HR Research Collective

On 19 April the FAU Interdisciplinary Human Rights Research Collective will begin for the term. The Collective bring together human rights scholars at FAU to discuss their research and get feedback from colleagues in an internal university safe space.

For more information about the HR Research Collective please see the info sheet here.

The aim of the HR Research Collective is to bring together scholars at FAU to speak openly about their human rights research and get feedback from colleagues. The meetings are limited to internal FAU colleagues and associated members. The purpose of the collective is to serve as an internal safe space to test new ideas, share findings, brainstorm, as well as learn about the incredible work of colleagues.

All professors, post docs, fellows, PhD researchers and master students who work on human rights at FAU may attend the Human Rights Research Collective sessions. Emails and calendar invites about upcoming events will be sent out to everyone on the mailing list. If you are not yet on the mailing list, but would like to be, please reach out to

Looking forward to engaging discussions with you all!