On January 10, the International Doctoral Program in Business and Human Rights organized a workshop to discuss some of the group’s research projects in law. The workshop counted with the participation of Prof. Markus Krajewski and Prof. Patricia Wiater, and visiting professor Danielle Pamplona from the Pontific Catholic University of Paraná (Brazil). The researchers topics discussed were:
- Human Rights and Tech, from Sabrina Rau
- Leverage and Business & Human Rights, from Bruna Singh
- Climate Justice and Corporate Accountability, from Julia Stefanello (visiting researcher).

On January 10, the International Doctoral Program in Business and Human Rights organized a workshop to discuss some of the group’s research projects in law. The workshop counted with the participation of Prof. Markus Krajewski and Prof. Patricia Wiater, and visiting professor Danielle Pamplona from the Pontific Catholic University of Paraná (Brazil). The researchers topics discussed were: